Despite today’s technology and advancement in medicine, some people still prefer to go with ancient, alternative options. Acupuncture is one form of alternative medicine that has become increasingly popular An acupuncturist salary varies from one country to another.
For example, in the United States, an acupuncturist can make about $49,020.00 a year. In Canada, they can make upwards of C$69,143.00. The United Kingdom provides salaries around £20,000.00. Australian acupuncturists make roughly $85,000.00 in this field. In Switzerland, they make approximately CHF 44,086.00, while in Norway, an acupuncturist salary is around KR47,125.00.
Acupuncturist Salary Influencers
Many factors go into determining the salary for an acupuncturist throughout the world. One of the main influencing factors is an experience. The more diverse training in different theories an acupuncturist possesses also increases their salary. Another important factor is the job’s outlook in today’s technological world.
1. Industry
Most acupuncturists work in the private sector. They can work as part of a chiropractor’s office, a massage therapy office, or be established in an office of their own. Depending on the environment at hand, most acupuncturists can make about $23.94 an hour in the United States alone.
It is important to note that even though this practice has some common factors passed on the traditional, Chinese background it possesses, many countries have created their theories based on that form. Therefore, the more training an acupuncturist has in these different theories, they more likely they are to make more money.
Depending on the office in which they work, acupuncturists can be hired to work full-time with benefits. However, the type of benefits available greatly depends on the country in which they work and whether or not it offers universal health care.
2. Geographical Area
Acupuncturist Salary | Hourly Wage | Annual Wage |
US | $23.94 | $49,020 |
Canada | C$33.76 | C$69,143 |
UK | £9.76 | £20,000 |
Australia | AU$41.51 | $85,000 |
Switzerland | CHF 21.52 | CHF 44,086 |
Norway | NOK23.01 | NOK47,125 |
Acupuncturist Salary in the US
In the United States, acupuncturist’s services are rather popular. They often work in connection with a chiropractor or their office. Acupuncturists can make about $49,020.00 each year, and if they have benefits like health insurance, those items are included as part of their salary.
Acupuncturist Salary in Canada
Due to the existence of universal health care, acupuncturists in Canada only have to pay a tax toward their health care costs. The $69,143.00 they can make each year is calculated mostly on experience. At the same time, they can receive bonuses on the amount of training they go through each year and the number of patients they see.
Acupuncturist Salary in the UK
A salary for an acupuncturist in the United Kingdom is a little on the low side in comparison to other countries. The £9.76 in this country equals about $12.68 in the United States. Comparatively, this salary is still on the low end.
Acupuncturist Salary in Australia
Australian acupuncturists make about $85,000.00 each year in the local currency, which equates to $67,280.48 in the United States. In this scenario, they can make more than someone in the same field in the United States. Like in Canada, Australians have universal healthcare to which they pay a tax.
Acupuncturist Salary in Switzerland
Over in Switzerland, an acupuncturist can expect to make about CHF 44,086.00 ($5,486.47 US) a year. They also have universal healthcare to pay a tax for, which is often cheaper than the privatized health care options in the United States. Someone new to the field might make only CHF 33,365.00 ($4,152.45 US) each year. In the long run, they only make about a dollar more than their counterparts in the US when conversion rates are considered.
Acupuncturist Salary in Norway
Norwegian acupuncturists make roughly KR23.01 each hour. It is important to note that this salary is an average of all persons in the field.
3. Experience
As mentioned above throughout a few of the geographical areas, the salary for an acupuncturist varies greatly. In the United States alone, someone new to this practice might only make approximately $19.00 each hour. This rate can go up significantly based on experience and training.
Some acupuncturists will also cross train as a chiropractor or a massage therapist. Therefore, they are likely to make far more than the typical salary if they were just an acupuncturist. Gaining knowledge in different theories about acupuncture can also mean making more.
Each country has taken their spin on the theories, and the more training a person gains from different theories, the more marketable they are in different countries for the position.
Working Hours
In most countries, acupuncturists keep traditional business hours. In the United States, this can mean working somewhere between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM or 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Some practices might decide to stay open extra hours on certain days to accommodate their patient’s schedules. For the same reason, some offices might decide to stay open during some hours on Saturdays, too.
Due to the more relaxed working nature in other countries, these working hours do not operate so strictly. Countries such as Australia and Switzerland place a greater importance on reducing stress and spending time with family than the atmosphere in the United States requires.
Bonuses & Benefit Packages
Bonuses can be made available for acupuncturists in different countries. The factors considered for benefits of a new person in the field focus on their quality of work and the amount of training they gain. Likewise, seniors in the field can gain the same bonuses, but they are more than likely to gain bonuses for the number of satisfied patients they see each year.
Benefits for acupuncturists between different countries vary as well. In reality, most benefits package differences are based on whether or not the country offers universal or privatized healthcare. While universal health care operates on a tax for all persons, privatized health care in the United States can cost a bit more.
Job Outlook
The acupuncturist industry thrives in most countries today. While people do seek out modern medicine as their main preference for treating things like back pain, some people will resort to alternative medicines such as acupuncture to combat chronic pain. Since some countries seem to have higher rates of chronic pain, specialists in this field are more likely to be sought out.
With this piqued interest in alternative medicine, going to school and gaining an education to be an acupuncturist is more than worth the investment. The rate at which people increase their salaries happens steadily, so people who gain this education will see a pay off on their investments.
Acupuncturists make an average salary for people in the health care industry, but they are more than able to go beyond that median. The job outlook seems to be on the rise in recent years, and the bonus options stand as proof that the occupation is more than worth studying.
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