Computer technician salary in the US is at $39,970 per year. The same professionals from Canada earn a mean salary of C$41,751 ($33,322), while for the same position in Australia, the mean salary stands at AU$45,140 ($35,538) per year. Computer technicians in the United Kingdom make £17,562 ($23,357) yearly.
People with the Quality assurance engineer in Computer software job in Switzerland earn CHF 90,442 ($92,761) annually. While the Computer and network support technician working in Norway earns a median yearly salary of NOK417,814 ($53,000). The computer technician salary can vary depending on a series of factors. Therefore, if you want to learn more about the computer and network support technician salary, check out our extensive guide below to see all the factors that can influence it.
Computer Technician Salary Influencers
The computer technician salary might not be the greatest among occupations in the United States economy, but the profession is rewarding from many points of view. The information found here for the computer repair technician salary is Payscale.
1. Industry
Firstly, the company one works for can greatly influence the computer network technician salary. Chron offers some estimates for an entry-level computer technician salary based on the size of the company:
- Small company computer repair technician salary – $37,867
- Midsized company computer systems technician salary – $38,600
- Large company computer technician jobs salary – $39,700
While the computer technician salary at particular companies are:
- Staples – $9.61 per hour, meaning just $19,988.
- Apple – $18.90 per hour, meaning $39,312.
2. Geographical Area
Computer Technician Salary | Hourly Wage | Annual Wage |
US | $15.54 | $39,970 |
Canada | C$15.41 ($12.29) | C$41,751 ($33,322) |
UK | £7.00 ($9.31) | £17,562 ($23,357) |
Australia | AU$20.67 ($16.27) | AU$45,140 ($35,538) |
Switzerland | CHF 43.48 ($44.59) | CHF 90,442 ($92,761) |
Norway | NOK200.87 ($25.46) | NOK417,814 ($53,000) |
Computer Technician Salary in the US
The total pay for a computer technician in the US ranges between $23,474 and $56,188 per year. A computer hardware technician salary can also vary based on location. For instance, the computer technician salary range for employees in Illinois is far greater than that for technicians in Nevada. If one really wants to aim high, they should look into job opportunities in the District of Columbia, as the computer system technician salary is about $41,000 there. A few other states with high salaries are:
- Massachusetts computer and network technician salary – $40,000
- Computer technician salary in New York – $40,000
- Connecticut salary of computer technician – $38,000
- Computer networking technician salary in Georgia – $38,000
- Illinois mean salary for computer technician – $37,000
We also want to mention the states that one should try to avoid if they don’t want low computer technician salaries. According to, those are:
- South Dakota computer engineering technician salary – $25,000
- Computer technicians salary in Alaska – $24,000
- Nebraska computer technician salary – $24,000
- Computer technician annual salary in Idaho – $22,000
- Hawaii computer electronics technician salary – $20,000
Computer Technician Salary by State
State | Annual mean wage |
Alabama | $33,000 |
Alaska | $24,000 |
Arizona | $27,000 |
Arkansas | $34,000 |
California | $35,000 |
Colorado | $29,000 |
Connecticut | $38,000 |
Delaware | $29,000 |
District of Columbia | $41,000 |
Florida | $31,000 |
Georgia | $38,000 |
Hawaii | $20,000 |
Idaho | $22,000 |
Illinois | $37,000 |
Indiana | $32,000 |
Iowa | $32,000 |
Kansas | $30,000 |
Kentucky | $28,000 |
Louisiana | $29,000 |
Maine | $29,000 |
Maryland | $34,000 |
Massachusetts | $40,000 |
Michigan | $33,000 |
Minnesota | $29,000 |
Mississippi | $35,000 |
Missouri | $32,000 |
Montana | $27,000 |
Nebraska | $24,000 |
Nevada | $25,000 |
New Hampshire | $33,000 |
New Jersey | $36,000 |
New Mexico | $29,000 |
New York | $40,000 |
North Carolina | $31,000 |
North Dakota | $29,000 |
Ohio | $32,000 |
Oklahoma | $30,000 |
Oregon | $32,000 |
Pennsylvania | $32,000 |
Rhode Island | $30,000 |
South Carolina | $33,000 |
South Dakota | $25,000 |
Tennessee | $31,000 |
Texas | $32,000 |
Utah | $26,000 |
Vermont | $29,000 |
Virginia | $33,000 |
Washington | $34,000 |
West Virginia | $31,000 |
Wisconsin | $29,000 |
Wyoming | $27,000 |
Computer Technician Salary in Canada
Computer technicians working in Canada earn C$15.41 per hour. While the total yearly salary can be between C$28,823 and C$60,330.
Computer Technician Salary in the UK
The salary of a computer technician working in the United Kingdom ranges from £11,223 to £27,765 yearly. While the average hourly pay is £7.00.
Computer Technician Salary in Australia
The annual salary of computer technicians working in Australia is between AU$35,600 and AU$62,400. While the total pay per hour stands at AU$20.67.
Quality Assurance Engineer in Computer Software Salary in Switzerland
People with the Quality assurance engineer in Computer software job in Switzerland earn an annual median pay of CHF 90,442 per year. While the reported total salary summing the salary of beginners and experienced professionals is between CHF 8,808 and CHF 108,234.
Computer and Network Support Technician Salary in Norway
The Computer and network support technician salary in Norway is around $53,000 per year according to, meaning NOK417,814. While per hour that is NOK200.87.
3. Experience
The best way to increase one’s computer technician job salary is by developing IT skills. explains that the status as a computer technician automatically effects the wage. More on that below:
- PC Maintenance Technician I – $42,972
- PC Maintenance Technician II – $55,789
- Maintenance PC Technician III – $58,305
- Computer Operator III – $59,850
- Computer Operations Supervisor – $76,477
- Operations Manager (Computer) – $114,906
- Computer Operator I – $43,332
- Computer Operator II – $49,854
- Numeric Control Machine Programmer II (Computer) – $55,702
- Computer Numeric Control Machine Programmer III – $72,658
Working Hours
As expected, the working environment for computer technicians is usually in an office, in front of a computer. Many technicians work from home, while others can work at a company office. As far as working hours are in discussion, they might be a bit radical for some. Therefore, in many cases, computer technicians need to be available around the clock for support, meaning that they might work nights or weekends.
Bonuses & Benefit Packages
Bonuses or benefit packages for computer technicians vary from company to company. Most computer technicians can expect occasional performance bonuses and they might have insurance provided by the company they work for.
For computer technicians working in the US, the bonus can be between $289.06 and $5,098 per year. for the same professionals working in Canada that can be from C$98.63 to C$3,041. While in the UK, people with the same job can win a yearly bonus of up to £1,200. In Australia, computer technicians bonuses can go up to AU$1,977 per year. While for similar jobs in Switzerland and Norway seem to not be any bonuses or at least none mentioned in the information from
Job Outlook
A wonderful piece of news is that business seems to be booming for computer technicians. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that job opportunities for these professionals are expected to increase 12% until 2024, which is far faster than the national average of 7% for all jobs. Therefore, as a future computer technician, one will most likely have great chances of getting hired in the next few years.
The computer technician salary might not be the most appealing on the U.S. job market, but one has plenty of possibilities in this field. Not only enjoy numerous job opportunities, but also work on IT skills and embrace other well-paying branches of this industry. Please note, however, that the job might involve working late nights or weekends if IT support is required. Finally, you can learn more about this field by reading our overview of the computer programmer salary as well.
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