The average salary of flight attendants in the United States stands at $46,750 per year. For Canadian attendants, pay ranges from C$23,640 (approximately $17,655 USD) to C$65,161 ($48,666 USD). In the United Kingdom flight attendants make between £12,000 ($14,972 USD) and £30,000 … [Read more...]
The Aerospace Engineer Salary
In the United States, the aerospace engineer salary exceeds $100,000. Even though it might be slightly different depending on the source, Sokanu provides the following salary data: the median aerospace engineer salary is $107,830 per year, $8,985 per month and $51.84 per … [Read more...]
The Average Aircraft Mechanic Salary
Depending on the source, the average aircraft mechanic salary in the United States can vary. For instance, states that the annual aircraft mechanics salary is $49,000. On the other hand, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, an equally reputable source, says that the … [Read more...]
The Average Air Traffic Controller Salary
An air traffic controller salary depends on multiple variable factors such as rate of employment, experience, industry, local policies. According to the 2015 median report issued by BLS, an air traffic control can earn up to $ 122,950 per year or $ 59,11 per hour. However, … [Read more...]